3,458 research outputs found

    Effects of Motivation, Basic Psychological Needs, and Teaching Competence on Disruptive Behaviours in Secondary School Physical Education Students

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    Currently, disruptive and aggressive behaviours of a physical and verbal nature are a reality among adolescent students and a concern in the educational context. Therefore, the main objective of this research was to analyse the effects of perceived teaching competence, motivation and basic psychological needs on disruptive behaviours in secondary school PE students. The sample was composed of 758 adolescent students from seven public secondary schools. The following instruments adapted to physical education were used: The Disruptive Behaviours Questionnaire, The Evaluation of Teaching Competencies Scale, The Sport Motivation Scale, and The Basic Psychological Needs Scale. Multilevel regression models with the MIXED procedure were performed for data analysis. The results show that misbehaviour is more likely among male students and that disruptive behaviours decrease when a teacher is perceived as competent. Students with greater self-determined motivation are more likely to exhibit fewer behaviours related to low engagement and irresponsibility while amotivation increases the different disruptive behaviours in the classroom. In conclusion, it is proposed that educators work in line with the students’ needs by responding to their interests and that this will increase self-determined motivation

    Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Phyllite Samples Based on Chemical (XRF) and Mineralogical Data by XRD

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    It is presented the results obtained of a multivariate statistical analysis concerning the chemical and phase composition, as a characterization purpose, carried out with 52 rock phyllite samples selected from the provinces of Almería and Granada (SE Spain). Chemical analysis was performed by X-ray fluorescence (XRF). Crystalline phase analysis was performed by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and the mineralogical composition was then deduced. Quantification of weight loss (100° and 1000°C) was carried out by thermal analysis. The aims of this investigation were to analyze and compare the chemical and mineralogical composition of all these samples and to find similarities and differences between them to allow a classification. Several correlations between results of the characterization techniques have been also investigated. All the data have been processed using the multivariate statistical analysis method. The XRF macroelements (10) and microelements (39) data generate one macrogroup with two new subgroups (1 and 2), and an isolated sample. In subgroup 1 of macroelements, a positive correlation was found between XRF results and geographic location characterized by lower MgO content, which is associated to its geological origins. When multivariate statistical analysis is applied to results obtained by XRD, two groups appear: the first one with a sample with zero percentage of iron oxide and the second one with the rest of the samples, which is classified in two groups. A correlation is observed between the alkaline content (XRF) and illite (XRD), CaO and MgO with dolomite and indirectly between the weight loss after heating at 1000°C and the contents of phase minerals that lose structural water (illite + chlorite) or carbon dioxide (dolomite). The present investigation has interest and implications for geochemistry and analytical chemistry concerning earth rocks and silicate raw material

    Viability of the Raw Cotton Production in Spain After the Decoupling of the Subsidies

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    Considering the latest reform of the EU's Cotton Regulation of 29th April 2004, which will come into force in the 2006/07 season, we analyse its impact on the cotton production sector of Andalusia. The decoupling of subsidies implies that producers will be entitled to 65 percent of the amount received in the reference period (three years) irrespective of the crop chosen to grow. The remaining 35 percent (slightly higher) is paid as cotton are a payment. In this research, first from a survey carried out in 2004 we obtained six groups of producers using fact or analysis and cluster analysis. Then, based on this characterization, we assess the impact of two policy scenarios: (a) the implementation of the reform without any additional measures, and (b) the addition of a complementary environmentally based area payment plus the modulation of the decoupled subsidy up to 50 percent according to raw cotton quality. In the first scenario most producers would reduce the use of inputs to a minimum and leave the raw cotton in the fields. In the second scenario the production of cotton would shift from conventional toward Integrated Production with a reduction of 30% with respect to the current hectarage.Cotton, Spain, Mid-Term Reform, Simulation, Multi-Criteria Decision Making, Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries,

    Differences in citation impact across countries

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    Using a large dataset, indexed by Thomson Reuters, consisting of 4.4 million articles published in 1998-2003 with a five-year citation window for each year, this paper studies country citation distributions in a partition of the world into 36 countries and two geographical areas in the all-sciences case and eight broad scientific fields. The key findings are the following two. Firstly, the shape of country citation distributions is highly skewed and very similar to each other across all fields. Secondly, differences in country citation distributions appear to have a strong scale factor component. The implication is that, in spite of the skewness of citation distributions, international comparisons of citation impact in terms of country mean citations capture well such scale factors. The empirical scenario described in the paper helps understanding why, in each field and the all-sciences case, the country rankings according to (i) mean citations and (ii) the percentage of articles in each country belonging to the set formed by the 10% of the more highly cited papers are so similar to each other.Albarrán acknowledges additional financial support from the Spanish MEC through grants ECO2009-11165 and ECO2011-29751, and Ruiz-Castillo through grant SEJ2007-67436

    Guidelines in the planning in Physical Education curriculum

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónLa planificación a la hora de llevar a cabo el proceso educativo para alcanzar los criterios establecidos en el currículum es necesaria. Se ofrece una propuesta para profesores de educación física en busca de una mejor relación entre los diferentes niveles de concreción curriculares, incidiendo en que una buena planificación conllevará una posible acertada docencia, una eficacia en la enseñanza, cierta calidad en el aprendizaje del alumno y una fácil evaluación. Sin embargo, muchos docentes no llevan a cabo una planificación por una causa u otra. Se ofrecen orientaciones en diferentes elementos necesarios en la planificación, como ofrecer ideas que contribuyan a tener una visión más específica en el proceso de planificación, ayudando a mejorar el diseño y puesta en práctica docente.AndalucíaES

    Experiencia con la herramienta de virtualización VNUML para la enseñanza de redes de computadores

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    La virtualización permite disponer y configurar infraestructuras de red con un coste asumible para un laboratorio y, a diferencia de los simuladores, muestra un comportamiento real del sistema. Este artículo presenta la metodología que seguimos en la asignatura de Redes de la Facultad de Informática de la Universidad de Murcia para la enseñanza práctica de conceptos tales como encaminamiento, movilidad IP, balanceo de carga y alta disponibilidad por medio de la herramienta de virtualización de código abierto VNUML. Para mostrar estos conceptos hemos añadido diversas utilidades al sistema de ficheros utilizado en VNUML. Gracias a estas herramientas, los alumnos han podido mejorar el aprendizaje de estos conceptos como lo refutan las encuestas realizadas.Peer Reviewe

    Nuevos métodos y algoritmos de altas prestaciones para el cálculo de funciones de matrices

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] El objetivo de esta tesis es el desarrollo de algoritmos e implementaciones innovadoras de altas prestaciones (HPC) para la computación de funciones de matrices basadas en series de polinomios matriciales. En concreto, se desarrollarán algoritmos para el cálculo de las funciones matriciales más utilizadas: la exponencial, el seno y el coseno. El estudio de los polinomios ortogonales matriciales es un campo emergente cuyo avance está alcanzando importantes resultados tanto desde el punto de vista teórico como práctico. Las ¿últimas investigaciones realizadas por el doctorando, junto a los miembros del grupo de investigación al que está vinculado, High Performance Scientific Computing (HiPerSC), revelan por qué los polinomios matriciales desempeñan un papel fundamental en la aproximación de funciones de matrices, proporcionando propiedades muy interesantes. En esta tesis se han desarrollado nuevos algoritmos de alto rendimiento basados en series polinomiales matriciales. En particular, se han implementado algoritmos para el cálculo de la exponencial, el seno y el coseno de una matriz usando las series matriciales polinomiales de Taylor y de Hermite. Además, se han proporcionado cotas del error cometido en las aproximaciones calculadas, proporcionando además los parámetros teóricos y experimentales óptimos de dichas aproximaciones. Los algoritmos finales han sido comparados con otras implementaciones del estado del arte para probar la mejora que presentan en cuanto a eficiencia y prestaciones. Los resultados obtenidos a lo largo de la investigación y presentados en esta memoria han sido publicados en varias revistas de alto nivel y se han presentado como ponencias en diversas ediciones del congreso internacional Mathematical Modelling in Engineering & Human Behaviour para dotarlas de la mayor difusión posible. Por otra parte, los códigos informáticos implementados han sido puestos a disposición de la comunidad científica internacional a través de nuestra página web http://hipersc.blogs.upv.es.[CA] L'objectiu d'aquesta Tesi és el desenvolupament d'algoritmes i implementacions innovadores d'altes prestacions (HPC) per a la computació de funcions de matrius basades en sèries de polinomis matricials. En concret, es desenvoluparan algoritmes per al càlcul de les funcions matricials més emprades: l'exponencial, el sinus i el cosinus. L'estudi dels polinomis ortogonals matricials és un camp emergent, el creixement del qual està aconseguint importants resultats tant des del punt de vista teòric com pràctic. Les últimes investigacions realitzades pel doctorand junt amb els membres del grup d'investigació on està vinculat, High Performance Scientific Computing (HiPerSC), revelen per què els polinomis matricials exerceixen un paper fonamental en l'aproximació de funcions de matrius, proporcionant propietats molt interessants. En aquesta Tesi s'han desenvolupat nous algoritmes d'alt rendiment basats en sèries polinomials matricials. En particular, s'han implementat algoritmes per al càlcul de l'exponencial, el sinus i el cosinus d'una matriu usant les sèries matricials polinomials de Taylor i d'Hermite. A més, s'han proporcionat cotes de l'error comès en les aproximacions calculades, proporcionant a més els paràmetres teòrics i experimentals òptims d'aquestes aproximacions. Els algoritmes finals han estat comparats amb altres implementacions de l'estat de l'art per a provar la millora que presenten en termes d'eficiència i prestacions. Els resultats obtinguts al llarg de la investigació i presentats en aquesta memòria han estat publicats en diverses revistes d'alt nivell i s'han presentat com a ponències en diferents edicions del congrés internacional Mathematical Modelling in Engineering \& Human Behaviour per a dotar-les de la major difusió possible. D'altra banda, s'han posat els codis informàtics implementats a disposició de la Comunitat Científica Internacional mitjançant la nostra pàgina web http://hipersc.blogs.upv.es.[EN] The aim of this thesis is the development of high performance computing (HPC) innovative algorithms and implementations for computing matrix functions based on matrix polynomials series. Specifically, algorithms for the calculation of the most commonly-used functions, the exponential, sine and cosine have been developed. The study of orthogonal matrix polynomials is an emerging field whose growth is achieving important results both theoretically and practically. The last investigations made by the doctoral student, together with the members of the research group, High Performance Scientific Computing (HiPerSC), he is linked, reveal why the matrix polynomials play a fundamental role in the approximation of matrix functions, providing very interesting properties.In this thesis new high-performance algorithms based on matrix polynomial series have been developed. In particular, algorithms for computing the exponential, sine and cosine of a matrix using Taylor and Hermite matrix polynomial series have been implemented.In addition, the error bounds for the approximations calculated have been provided and optimal theoretical and experimental parameters for such approximations have also been provided. Final algorithms have been compared to other state of the art implementations to test the improvement obtained in terms of efficiency and performance. The results obtained during the investigation and presented in this memory have been published in several high-level journals and presented as papers at various editions of the International Congress Mathematical Modelling in Engineering & Human Behaviour to give them the widest possible distribution. On the other hand, implemented computer codes have been made freely available to the international scientific community at our web page http://hipersc.blogs.upv.es.Ruiz Martínez, PA. (2020). Nuevos métodos y algoritmos de altas prestaciones para el cálculo de funciones de matrices [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/137035TESISCompendi

    On the effect of assessed returnable documents as active methodology in Power Electronics

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    The methodological change caused by the implementation of the new degrees provides a clear opportunity to improve educational practices. This paper describes a teaching tool, named returnable document, to increase student work outside the classroom, motivate the students while raising their awareness about the importance and impact of their work. By using returnable documents teachers manage to strengthen the results of homework and the learning process in a flexible, motivating and entertaining way. In addition, compared to more traditional learning models, student participation is encouraged.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Application of Geographic Infomration Systems (GIS) in the search for and characterization of raw materials of interest in ceramics and glass

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    En este trabajo se muestra la aplicación de un sistema de información geográfica (SIG) como herramienta eficaz a la hora de abordar varias fases de investigación sobre materias primas de interés para el sector de la Cerámica y el Vidrio, con dos ejemplos: prospección y caracterización de materias primas, utilizadas como material impermeabilizante además de potencial interés cerámico y estudio de canteras de extracción de caliza y mármol. Para ello, se han diferenciado tres fases en el trabajo: construcción de la base de datos cartográfica, fusión de las bases de datos y depuración; finalmente, se realiza el desarrollo de la aplicación. De este estudio se concluye que el SIG se convierte en una herramienta viva, a la que se le pueden ir incorporando nuevos datos, como son puntos de muestreo, resultados de ensayos y determinaciones realizadas con las muestras, nuevas vías y caminos, empresas que poseen la concesión, etc., como ha quedado expuesto con los ejemplos descritos. Todo ello permite una explotación mucho más racional y eficiente desde los puntos de vista técnico, medioambiental y económico. Se deduce un claro interés del método de trabajo propuesto con utilidad para investigadores, tecnólogos y empresarios del ámbito que se ocupan de la valorización de materias primas de aplicación en el procesamiento de materiales de este sector.This work shows the application of a geographic information system (GIS) as an effective tool to undertake several phases of research on raw materials of interest in ceramics and glass, with two examples: search for and characterization of raw materials to be used as impermeable materials in addition to their potential ceramic interest in terms of quarries and the quarrying of limestone and marble. For this, three phases of work have been differentiated: the construction of a cartographic database, the combining and distilling of the databases; and finally the development of the application. From this study, it was concluded that GIS becomes a living tool in which new data can be incorporated, such as sampling points, test results, determinations made with the samples, new approaches and directions, companies that have the concession, etc., as explained with the examples described. All of this enables more rational and efficient use of the materials from the technical, environmental, and economic standpoint. The working method proposed could be clearly useful for researchers, technicians, and businessmen of this sphere that are involved in evaluating raw materials to be applied in processing materials of this sector